


Balancing, not so delicately,

on the heads of seven pins

I wake in the middle of the night

dazed by the hurrying of the sun and the moon through the sky.


Somewhere there is an open field

where the seeds of tall grasses live out their days

in dialogue with dew and stars,

Cicada legs thrumming the air

a stillness held in their cadence,

Where fire flies lace the leaves of trees in encircling forests

inscribing their delicate electrical tracings of desire,

a lit calligraphy of … hello, come see me

I am aflame with light


Somewhere there is an open field within me

amidst the deep woods of wordsΒ 

the impregnable tall trees of thought

a vast silence of living

wrapt entirely in wonder


33 responses

  1. Ooh-la-la, Jana! This is magical, deep, truly inspired….”somewhere there is an open field within me…wrapt entirely in wonder.” Indeed. Thank you for the rapture of the poem and the image, my friend. xoxo


  2. “Somewhere there is an open field
    where the seeds of tall grasses live out their days
    in dialogue with dew and stars … ”

    I want to be those seeds. Enchanting piece, Jana. I like the way this poem makes me feel. The imagery is stunning.


  3. Love this:

    I wake in the middle of the night

    dazed by the hurrying of the sun and the moon through the sky…

    To contrast ‘dazed’ with ‘waking’ and by extension ‘sleep’ relating to the heavenly bodies. Just beautifully evocative.


    • I’m pretty literal, Steven, when I write. The “daze” and nights seem to be running together lately with heavy dreaming …. Could the sun and moon be traveling faster too? It seems so … so… I bow to the holiness of momentum and steady myself in a moment of reflective surrender. Thank you, Steven, for your lovely comment and for providing an opportunity for further reflection!


  4. “Where fire flies lace the leaves of trees in encircling forests

    inscribing their delicate electrical tracings of desire,

    a lit calligraphy of … hello, come see me”
    Magical dance of life here beautifully expressed. Positively uplifting. Thank you. πŸ™‚


  5. the poem kept bringing me back to stillness and silence amid all of the motion. is this zen? i love the thought of seeds talking to dew and stars. and this phrase has such lovely music: “delicate electrical tracings of desire.”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Zen? I have no idea really, but what a beautiful thing to say…that all this motion brings you back to silence. It does doesn’t it….
      Thank you for bringing me back here. It’s good to remember such fecundity, in the silence of February. Each has its own place for me and the contrast was good to appreciate today. πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I’ve never seen fireflies in real life – they don’t exist in chilly damp England. But you describe them and everything in this poem so elegantly, it’s a joy to read, and makes the reader feel they are right there – truly beautiful writing!!

    I was wondering if it would be possible for me to publish this lovely poetry in the next issue of an online literary magazine of mine?

    It has eight issues (one new one every two months). There are no printed copies or any payment involved for myself or the writers – it’s a free magazine for anyone to read. The aim is to help promote writers on websites and blogs from all over the internet.

    Copyright remains with the writer and I make sure to include a link back to where the work was originally published and also any other links you may wish to include.

    If you would be interested please check out the magazine and let me know. But if you’d rather not, don’t hesitate to say no, I really won’t mind.
    Suzy πŸ™‚

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Suzy!….yes, fireflies are entirely poetic. They are so besotted that they can be easily held in your hands like lanterns! They fill the trees and in wooded areas it is difficult to see the line between where the fireflies end and the stars begin….Not in England? I guess I just assumed they were in most temperate climates. I’ll have to do a little research.

      Sure…I’d love to have you include this poem in your literary magazine. I’m honored and thank you for asking! You do a beautiful job putting it together. Let me know if there is anything else I might need to do?

      Liked by 1 person

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